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-Stress Workshop on location-
Interactive workshop for teams and organisations

Do you also see an increase in stress in your organization and are you looking for a new way to look at stress and to ensure that your employees can better deal with tension and pressure?

That is possible with this interactive workshop at your office, in which I explain what stress and its impact  on people is. Participants will learn and experience a number of tools that can be used to reduce stress at work.

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As an employer, manager or HR employee, you feel responsible for the well-being of the people in your organization. You notice that stress and tension at work influence this well-being and the effectiveness and motivation of people. Employees experience the workload as (too) high, but due to the current staff shortage as a result of the tight labor market, there will be no improvement in the short term.

Do you recognize this? 

  • In the job satisfaction survey, the topic 'experienced work pressure' scores relatively poorly.

  • People complain because they experience too much stress. You regularly hear people who are working in the evenings and weekends and who are mentally still very busy with their work when they are not working. You worry about the impact on their mental and physical health.

  • You are sometimes confronted with employees who react too emotionally, while that is not really in their nature. You realize that this is caused by tension and stress.

  • The costs of stress-related absenteeism are high, partly because people are often not available for a long time. This costs the organization a lot of money and replacement is difficult to arrange, which increases the pressure on the remaining employees.

  • You sometimes feel powerless because, the mitigations that have been taken don't seem to be sufficient and you are unable to change the more substantial -underlying- issues, like the tight labor market.

What if even more people drop out due to work stress? Or what if the atmosphere deteriorates  and people's motivation decreases? Or what if people run away to another organization? This will only exacerbates the problem and create a downward spiral.

What would it be like if

  • The people in your organization could deal with the current workload in a more relaxed way.

  • You have a team of satisfied employees? Who indicate that they have a good work-life balance and come to work motivated and energized every day?

  • There is a pleasant atmosphere in which people feel comfortable and treat each other with respect, even in stressful situations.

  • Absenteeism caused by work stress, would go down?

  • There would be a way to teach employees how to deal better with work pressure and tension?

That is possible!
With this interactive workshop, where employees learn what stress is and what it does to you and in which they are introduced to a number of practical tools that they can use to reduce their stress.

This workshop lasts 2.5-3 hours and is for a maximum of 12 people. I will travel to your office to give the workshop. It consists of a piece of theory, in which the physiological and mental side of stress is explained. On the other hand there will be a number of practical exercises, which are in line with the theory learned and in which people learn how to reduce their tension. Furthermore, a number of tips are given on the basis of which people can train their brains and bodies to learn to experience less stress in exciting situations.

What are the results of this workshop?

At the end of this workshop, your employees will know

  • Why and how your body and brain react to stressful situations and what the long-term impact is, so that people become aware of the need to deal with their stress.

  • What tools they can use to reduce stress when you experience it, so that you are less bothered by it in the moment. This will also make sure the stress will aggregate less in the long term.

  • How they can ensure that they can approach situations that are normally exciting, in a more relaxed way which will make them perform better.

  • How they can train their brain and body to make sure they experience less stress when they're under pressure


so that people perform better, feel better, are more motivated and so that absenteeism due to stress in your organization can be prevented!

The investment of this workshop is €699,-* 
Yes! I would like a workshop within my organization to learn employees how they can better deal with stress!
Ik wil eerst graag kennismaken tijdens een persoonlijk gesprek.
* A travel allowance applies for locations outside Noord Holland. 

This is what others say about the workshop

'This workshop was very helpful to me: knowing and recognizing my stress level (how to know where I stand) and receiving techniques that I can apply anytime.'


'Very interesting, I knew some of the basics, but great to learn more. I think it is hugely beneficial for me, but I feel like all of our organisation needs this.'


'It was very interesting to see some data behind the brain function and how that is changing with exercises and practice. It was all so valuable, you're great! Keep going!'.

Frequently asked questions.

I'll answer some of the questions you may have.

Where does the workshop take place?

The workshop takes place at your company, you arrange the location yourself. If you would like to use a location outside the workplace, the costs are on your account. 


What is included in the price?

The investment of € 500 includes my travel costs within Noord Holland, VAT (KOR), 3-hour workshop, coordination in advance. The price does not include travel costs outside Noord Holland, location costs, any customization and or additional work for adjustments to the content of the workshop.


What requirements must the workshop space meet?

The space where the workshop is given must offer sufficient seating and, above all, guarantee a certain degree of privacy for the participants. So people outside the workshop should not be able to look in. The room must be available half an hour before the start for me to set everything up.


What tools are used in the workshop?

The workshop uses tools that are scientifically proven. These are tools that are aimed at neutralizing people's mental and physiological reactions to stressful situations. 


Is 12 people really the maximum number of people for the Workshop?

If you have other wishes, we can determine the possibilities in mutual consultation.


Is the content of the Workshop standard, or can we request specific adjustments?

The workshop as offered here - at this price - is a standard workshop. But in joint consultation we can always look at a customized option that (even) better meets your wishes.


What process is followed before the workshop is carried out?

If you press the button below, you can fill in an application form, with a preferred period for the workshop. After completing this form, I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the details of the workshop. If you would like any specific adjustments in the workshop, this can be done at an additional cost, depending on the amount of time that I have to invest extra. We schedule a date, you arrange the location.

I would like a workshop about stress within my organization!
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